
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
The KLPS, like all police services, can now cast that net extra wide when recruiting new officers. Inspector Kirk Robertson describes how that “net” – (as in, INTERnet) - is being used for its current search – and what boxes the local police service now looks to check when finding the best candidates. Stephanie Lange looked beyond the edge of her backyard on Balsam Lake when she and dad Mike and her fella Aaron wanted a rink. Hint: It meant an extra-long hose. The Summit Wellness Centre in Coboconk recently reached a summit of sorts – a pretty significant fundraising milestone! Musician Christopher Sweetman’s debut CD may have taken a few years – okay decades – to come to fruition. But the wait was worth it – for him and his fan!
And our host chats with….a piece of fruit. Wait, what?

Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Wild pigs are knocking on our back door. In fact, the unwelcome invaders may already be here. And the city wants to huff and puff and blow that problem down before it gets too serious. Beavers, conversely, do belong here. But how and when should we co-exist with the rodents? Our landowner-host seeks guidance from someone in-the-know of all things genus Castor. Post secondary students are back to school – if by school, we mean in front of a screen. Again. We hear from several students from the C of KL who are studying at different institutions across Canada about this roller coaster year – again.
Hey, a gig as a city councilor isn’t ALL fame, fortune, glamour, red carpets and autographs. Pat O’Reilly, who is not running again, offers some non-partisan wisdom. Call it a veteran councilor offering job counsel.

Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Episode #46 The Year in review. Stella Panacci chat and music.
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
What a year, eh? Yeah, we know everyone says that ‘round this time. But, really, this time: what a year, eh? We take you on that trip through an oft-tumultuous, challenging 2021 via the voices and sounds of our program these past 12 months. And it wasn’t, as you’ll hear, all gloom – there were some real high points, too.
But just soze we know fer sure that you’ll heave a pleasant sigh once you’ve turned off your listening device, part 2 of this episode features music and conversation with one of our newest members to Kawartha Lakes – the super-talented and engaging Stella Panacci.

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Electric vehicles are the future. But are they a realistic future for longer commutes and conditions we experience here? An early EV adopter's opinion is not so shocking. A feasibility study might just lead to a cultural centre. But Kawartha Art Gallery’s Susan Taylor says she’s hoping it’ll be for more than just artists. When Cameron’s Sara Walker created a book of short stories from local authors, she had one proviso – the stories had to be about Kawartha Lakes in the autumn. Lindsay’s Emily Nichol somehow found time while studying at the University of Victoria to create a game with an astrology theme. And all “signs” point to it becoming a huge international success. Music by new neighbour, Stella Panacci now of Omemee. A new word courtesy of Kawartha Library’s Lyndsay Bowen. And our host gets a boost.

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Chris Schmidt says our community is defying the stats – we should NOT have as much great musical talent living here as we do. So, he’s opening up his Snug Harbour home to showcase it and plans to have others hop on this house concert wagon. Ralph McKim and Jean Garsonnin had already welcomed people to their huge Pontypool property and its beautiful trail system. But they found a way to make their generosity even more generous. Any parent will tell you there’s a big difference between a five and 12-year-old. Especially when it comes delivering the shot, as Woodville’s Dr Sheila Mae-Young explains. Building a neighbourhood means more than just puttin’ up houses and sidewalks. We sit down with Flato Developments president Shakir Rehmatullah to hear how what he’s learned from the locals will determine what he does before shovels touch ground in Kawartha Lakes.

Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
It’s not like the internet has a limit on KMs – or miles. So, why not teach students in Alaska from faarrrrr away? Leslie McCartney, as associate prof with the University of Alaska, connects with her far north-west students from her home in Lindsay. Gurdeep Pandher is now a massive YouTube sensation, thanks to his inspiring, uplifting outdoor Bhangra dancing from his home in the Yukon. Trevor Hutchinson describes how he’s now even more uplifted after having met the pandemic era celeb on his own northern turf. Mary Connell considered a plain ‘ole, door-to-door bottle drive fundraiser. But she and her fellow Downeyvillians (that’s what you call someone from Downeyville, right?) had a better idea. Seems the trees at Ken Reid were tired of doing all the talking. So, now they have rooted colleagues sharing the chatter at Windy Ridge, thanks to an expanded free phone app.

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Wards of Wisdom #8 – Defamation explained
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Didja hear – or read – the comments from that person who said that stuff about that other person and/or their business? In public!? For everyone else to hear and/or read? Can’t they be sued for defamation or slander or libel? Or whatever the term is. Lawyer Jason Ward explains that difference – and when each can be acted on and what the outcome could be.

Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Lindsay Little Theatre’s return to the stage – their inside one – is a welcome change from that outdoor one they were relegated to over the summer. But after almost two years away, what awaits the actors and the patrons? Pumpkin Spice and all things…well, you know: NICE. And now, the popular spice is locally-produced, thanks to Little Britain retired Red Seal Chef, Bob Gourlie. The Advocate’s recent panel on diversity in municipal politics generated great insight, wisdom and suggestions from its panelists. We bring you some of those voices. Lawyer Jason Ward, an expert on all things legal AND Halloween, joins us for a super scary top 5 list. You’ve been warned…mwahhhh………
And new music by Lindsay’s own Close Kicks, featuring Louwop, aka Luis Segura.

Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Hey, remember the regular ole, seasonal flu shot? We still need it, despite that other shot getting all the attention. And our medical officer of health tells us why the flu shot is as important as ever. Those stone walls near Kirkfield look mighty imposing – and they're filled with the history of the family that built them. George Laidlaw’s great-great grandson shares the story of how – and why – they came to be. And why it’s important they remain standing. The NHL – and, yes, your Leafs – are back. And it (almost) looks like a regular season! Our resident hockey expert, 11-year-old Owen Hargrave – host of his own YouTube show, Owen Talks Lots of Hockey - returns to prognosticate on his team and the league with our Hab-loving host. Nancy Payne, associate editor of the Advocate Magazine, drops by to tell us about an upcoming panel discussion – a real one, not the virtual kind – called Diversity in Municipal Politics.

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
If you’ve been dining INside a restaurant recently, you know all about flashing that pass. St-Dave’s Diner owner Jason Hore discusses the pluses – and challenges – with it. And how his staff – and regulars - make it all worth it.
Lindsay’s Mark Doble is, arguably, the biggest fan of singer/songwriter/guitarist Domenic Troiano. So much so that he wrote a biography of the late musician who left his mark as a solo artist and member of the Guess Who.
Paulette Sopoci wasn’t really thinking of leaving the City (you know, Toronto) to return to her hometown of Janetville. But then a very special home became available, and….
How’d the LEX, version 2021, do? What lessons can be passed on to other upcoming smaller fall fairs? Its GM, Harry Stoddart, returns with an honest post mortem.
Bobcaygeon marked the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with a special ceremony. We bring you some of the voices and sounds from this important event.